Administrative Attorney Office

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2024-11-20BY Immikorea

재외동포 해외거주자 사업자등록증

You want to issue a business license to an expatriate who doesn’t have a residency certificate.

There are a few things you need to do before you can issue a business license.

1. your business lease

If you have a local address, you can apply for a business license at that address, but some types of businesses may not be allowed. These days, many companies offer virtual address office services, which can be affordable.

2. power of attorney

A notarized power of attorney is required for an agent to issue a business license on your behalf.

3. a copy of the delegate’s passport
4. Set up a tax custodian
5. license declaration if a license is required

If the business owner is out of the country for more than six months, or is not normally in the country, a tax custodian must be set up. A tax preparer is typically a tax accountant, or tax preparer.

Article 73 Tax Custodian
If a sole proprietor falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the sole proprietor shall appoint a tax administrator to handle the reporting, payment, refund, and other necessary matters related to VAT.
  1. The business owner is not customarily present at the business location.
  2. The business owner plans to be out of the country for more than six months.
납세관리인 설정신고서

Expatriate Reverse Resettlement Services

  • 외국인 투자신고
  • 외국환 거래은행 지정신청
  • 정관 작성 서비스
  • 취임승낙서 작성 서비스
  • 법인설립 등기
  • 사업자등록증 발급
  • 외투기업등록증 발급
  • 은행계좌개설
  • 비자발급
  • 세무대행

  • 법무부등록 출입국 민원대행기관
  • 기업 파견비자
  • 투자비자
  • 디지털노마드비자
  • 취업비자
  • 결혼비자
  • 한국 영주권
  • 유학비자
  • 거주비자