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2024-10-05BY Immikorea

한국 부동산 투자

You can invest in real estate in South Korea and obtain permanent residency in South Korea within five years. The official name is the “Tourism and Recreation Facilities” investment visa.

If a foreigner or foreign corporation invests between KRW 7 billion and KRW 10 billion in real estate designated by the Korean government, the investor is immediately granted a residence visa (F2 visa) and can apply for permanent residency in Korea (F5 visa) after maintaining the investment for five years.

Once you get your green card, you can sell it and recoup your investment.

Investment Region

Regions Designated zones Investment Amount
Incheon Songdo International City, Cheongna International City, Yeongjongdo Island Over KRW 1 billion
Jeju Island Designated Real Estate 10 billion won or more

Yeosu Hwayang District

Yeosu Gyeonggi-do Marine Tourism Complex

Over $700 million

1 billion or more


Pyeongchang Alpensia

Gangneung Jeongdongjin District

1 billion or more

Over $700 million


Haeundae Tourist Resort

Dongbusan Tourist Complex

1 billion or more

1 billion or more

Property type

It is limited to living accommodation, vacation condominiums, general accommodation, and tourist pensions, and unless it is a designated property, you cannot get a visa, so be careful when buying real estate.

The most popular areas for real estate investment immigration are Songdo International City in Incheon, which is close to Seoul, and Jeju Island, which has many international schools and a 30-day visa-free stay.

In particular, Songdo International City, Incheon, used to be a new city, so it was cluttered and there were not enough properties to invest in, but recently, it has been well developed with international business areas, international schools, hospitals, parks, etc. and is a foreigner-friendly area, so it can be said that it has the best conditions for real estate investment visas.

In addition, in the past, most of the properties were small (200 million won or less) and not suitable for living, but recently, properties ranging from 500 million won to 2 billion won have been appearing, so they are considered to be of high value for living and investment.

Songdo Hillstate Building, which I personally think is the best investment.

Who is eligible for an investment visa

  1. Foreigners who invested in designated real estate worth KRW 1 billion or more
  2. Officers and controlling shareholders of foreign entities with investments in designated real estate worth more than KRW 1 billion
  3. Investor’s spouse, minor children, and unmarried adult children


Entering Investors Required
Real Estate Investment Pre-screening Jurisdictional immigration offices
Real estate site visits and provisional contracts
Investment Declaration / Bank Account Opening and Remittance Designated Foreign Exchange Bank
Issuing a Registration Number for Alien Real Estate Designated immigration offices
Registering Real Estate Title Transfers Court registry

Apply for an F2 resident visa

Apply for an F1 visitor visa

Upon contract completion

Down payment of $100 million or more

Apply for F5 Permanent Residency with 5-year investment Jurisdictional immigration offices
Recoupment of investment after obtaining permanent residency
  1. The investment must be invested domestically from abroad.
  2. You must demonstrate the source of funding for your investment.
  3. You can apply for an F1 visa if you have made a down payment of KRW 100 million or more, and you will be restricted from extending your F1 visa if you do not make additional investments for one year.
  4. If you recoup your investment (sell, cancel, transfer membership), your visa will immediately cease to be valid.
  5. It is also possible for the total amount of public interest investment (IISPB) + real estate investment (IISRE) to be KRW 1.5 billion or more.
  6. You must not be disqualified for any of the following reasons
    1. Your visa will be revoked if you utilize the investment property for profit activities, such as renting, pledging collateral, or if the investment property is foreclosed.
    2. You must not be disqualified for any of the following reasons
    3. If you are prohibited from entering the country or may harm the interests of the Republic of Korea
    4. Submitting false documents
    5. Have been cited or criminally prosecuted
  1. Visa application
  2. Passports, IDs, and passport photos
  3. If you are a registered alien, your alien registration card
  4. Real estate contracts
  5. Property deeds (if you’re a recorder)
  6. Membership certificate and deposit receipt (if condo)
  7. Vacancy verification letter (for unsold homes)
  8. Viewing history for all units in the home (if the home is unsold)
  9. Proof of foreign currency importation, such as a foreign currency purchase certificate.
  10. Proof of legal entity remittance (if invested by a legal entity)
  11. Proof of officer or controlling shareholder of the entity (if applicable)
  12. Foreign Criminal Background Certificate (Apostille)
  13. Proof of family relationship (person, apostille)
  14. For adult children, proof of unmarried status (persona, apostille)

* Curated and personalized submissions

  1. Once you receive an F2 visa, you must maintain it for five years. You will be granted an initial 3-year stay, which must be extended once in the middle.
  2. You must return to Korea once a year to maintain your visa status, even if you are abroad.
  3. You may not rent, pledge, sell, or foreclose on any real estate you invest in.
  4. You must not be inadmissible, submit false documents, etc.

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