Administrative Attorney Office

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2024-04-03BY Immikorea

When a foreigner (foreign company) wants to start a business in Korea, the first step is to determine what type of business entity they should organize.

1. If an individual wants to start a Korean business to settle in Korea, they can establish a foreign investment corporation and get a D8 visa.

2. If a foreign company wants to do business in Korea, it can establish a foreign-invested corporation, branch, or liaison office. For employees who will be working in South Korea, foreign company can apply for a D8 dispatch visa or a D7 expatriate visa.

Topics Foreign Investment Corporation Branches Liaison office
Supporting legislation Foreign Investment Promotion Act Foreign Exchange Act Foreign Exchange Transaction Act
Legal Entity Domestic Corporation Foreign Corporation Foreign corporation
Foreign Direct Investment Recognized Disqualified Disqualified
Company name No restrictions Must be the same name as the headquarters Must be the same business name as the headquarters
Scope of business activities Unlimited within the scope of the authorization Must be the same as the head office’s business and within the scope of authorization Cannot be monetized and can only be for contact purposes
Minimum Capital Requirements 100 million None None
Liability Attributable to local corporation only Extend to headquarters Extend to headquarters
Independence Legally independent Subordinate to headquarters Subordinate to headquarters
Domestic borrowing Depending on the creditworthiness of the local entity, borrowing is possible Almost impossible Impossible

Establishment process

1. Foreign Investment Report

2. remittance funds

3. corporate registration

4. business registration

5. Foreign Investment Company Registration

1. Report the establishment of a korea branch

2. corporate registration

3. business registration

1. Report the establishment of a liasion office

2. Register a unique number

Accounting and tax

Books and records must be recorded and maintained in accordance with Korean IFRS, with certain requirements for external audit Books must be recorded and maintained in accordance with Korean Accounting Standards; no external audit required No bookkeeping obligation
Corporate Tax Rates Tax liability Tax liability No tax liability
Amount of taxable income Total all profits from the local corporation Combined for all profits from domestic source income of domestic branches Pay branch tax in some countries None
Tax incentives Tax incentives for foreign-invested enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises under the “Tax Exception Limitation Act” No None

(Source: KOTRA)

It is possible to establish a corporation even if a foreigner invests less than 100 million won, but in this case, it is not considered a foreign-invested company and is subject to notification of securities acquisition under the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act.

Learn about the formation process and required documents for each type of company

Provide samples for accurate documentation

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