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2024-04-06BY Immikorea


A foreigner or foreign company is classified as a foreign-invested company if it invests more than 100 million won to participate in management and acquires 10% or more shares with voting rights after establishing a direct incorporated company. You can also invest in companies run by Koreans.

A foreign-invested corporation is recognized as a domestic corporation under the Commercial Code, and the scope of its business activities is unrestricted within the scope of its license. Loans are available based on the creditworthiness of the local corporation and can be made using the

For documents from abroad, an apostille, notarization is required.

  1. Foreign Investment Report
  2. Individual: Copy of passport
  3. Corporations: Certificate of existence of overseas headquarters, board of directors’ resolution, shareholder list of headquarters
  4. Articles of Incorporation
  5. Shareholder List
  6. Inauguration acceptance letter
  7. Notarize representative’s address, notarize signature
  8. Office lease contract
  9. Power of Attorney

If you are applying for a D8 visa at the same time, you will need more documents.

It may take different amounts of time if the investor is in-country versus if it’s done by power of attorney.

Procedure How long does it take
Prepare notarized documents (headquarters or personal)
⇒ Foreign Investment Report (KOTRA or Foreign Exchange Bank) 1 day
⇒ Remittance of investment funds (foreign exchange bank, customs carry-on) 2-3 days
⇒ Registration of incorporation (court registry) 3-5 days
⇒ Obtaining a license (Related Industries) variation
⇒ Incorporation and Business Registration (Tax Office) 2-3 days
⇒ Corporate Bank Account Opening (Foreign Exchange Bank) 1 day
⇒ Issuance of Foreign Investment Company Registration Certificate (KOTRA or Foreign Exchange Bank) 1 day
⇒ Apply for a D8 visa (if needed)

Employee recruitment and accounting books must be kept in accordance with the accounting standards of Korean companies. You are required to pay corporate taxes, and all profits generated by your local corporation are aggregated and taxable.

“There are tax incentives for foreign-invested enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and loans are available depending on the creditworthiness of the local company.

If you are an individual investor, you can apply for a D8 visa on your own behalf, or if you are an overseas company investing, you can send an employee on a D8 visa.

Provide samples for accurate documentation

  • 외국인 투자신고
  • 외국환 거래은행 지정신청
  • 정관 작성 서비스
  • 취임승낙서 작성 서비스
  • 법인설립 등기
  • 사업자등록증 발급
  • 외투기업등록증 발급
  • 은행계좌개설
  • 비자발급
  • 세무대행

  • 법무부등록 출입국 민원대행기관
  • 기업 파견비자
  • 투자비자
  • 디지털노마드비자
  • 취업비자
  • 결혼비자
  • 한국 영주권
  • 유학비자
  • 거주비자