2024-04-08BY Immikorea
The D8 visa is the most common visa that foreign individuals apply for to do business in South Korea. Foreign companies can send employees through the D8 visa.
To apply for a D8 visa, you must establish a foreign investment corporation by investing at least 100 million won in capital from abroad. Once you receive a Foreign Investment Corporation Certificate, you have the status of a domestic corporation and can do any business except for some foreign-restricted industries.
D8 visa holders can invite their wives and minor children to live with them on F3 visas, and their minor children can attend public schools in South Korea.
The D8 visa is the most difficult of all Korean visas.
The main screening criteria are the source of the funds, the name of the sender, the authenticity of the business, and the submission of accurate supporting documentation.
Funding sources
This is the trickiest part because there are cases of fraudulent visa issuance, such as borrowing money to get an investment visa and then paying the money back. You can only invest funds that you have created. If you received the funds from your parents, you’ll need to provide documentation, such as proof of gift tax payment. Failure to demonstrate legitimate funding is grounds for visa inadmissibility, so be sure to consult with a professional before applying. War-related funds, criminal funds, and speculative funds are also not allowed.
Sender’s name
Overseas funds must be remitted to Korea when applying for an investment visa. Funds from within South Korea are not accepted. Remittances are only accepted in the name of you, your wife, and minor children. For transfers of KRW 300 million or more, you can also send money in the name of your parents and spouse’s parents. Funds must be sent from bank to bank, and funds sent through the Money Transfer Application will not be accepted. Many countries have restrictions on sending money abroad, so you can split the deposit into multiple payments or carry cash through the airport (declare it at customs).
The authenticity of your business
To prove the authenticity of your business, you must submit a complete business plan, including proof of your business experience, a business plan, and a business location. For corporate investors, submit the business registration certificate of the headquarters, board of directors’ resolution, shareholder list, etc.
A power of attorney allows the applicant to do all the application process without entering the country. However, it can speed up the process of notarized documents and visa issuance if the applicant is in-country.
Procedure | How long does it take |
Prepare notarized documents (headquarters or personal) | |
⇒ Foreign Investment Report (KOTRA or Foreign Exchange Bank) | 1 day |
⇒ Remittance of investment funds (foreign exchange bank, customs carry-on) | 2-3 days |
⇒ Registration of incorporation (court registry) | 3-5 days |
⇒ Licensing (Related Industries) | Variables |
⇒ Incorporation and Business Registration (Tax Office) | 2-3 days |
⇒ Corporate Bank Account Opening (Foreign Exchange Bank) | 1 day |
⇒ Issuance of Foreign Investment Company Registration Certificate (KOTRA or Foreign Exchange Bank) | 1 day |
⇒ D8Visa Processing (Immigration Office) | Variables |
개인이 아닌 해외법인이 한국에 투자법인을 설립하였다면 본사의 임원이나 직원을 D8비자로 파견할 수 있습니다.
본사에서 직접 파견, 자회사 간의 파견, 재 투자하여 설립한 회사에 파견 등 다양한 형태가 가능합니다.
비자를 받는 것도 중요하지만, 비자의 연장을 미리 준비하는 것도 중요합니다.
D8비자의 1회 체류 기간은 1년부터 5년까지 입니다. 투자 금액, 사업 실적, 내국인 고용 등 출입국 사무소에서 정해 놓은 기준에 따라 비자의 체류 기간이 부여됩니다. 비자 연장 시에도 반드시 지켜야 할 규정이 있으니 미리 준비해야 합니다.
Investors with $500,000 or more
- If you invest $500,000 or more in Korea to establish a foreign investment corporation and employ five or more Koreans full-time for at least six months, you can apply for an F-5-5 green card.
- Those who invest $500,000 or more in Korea to establish a foreign investment corporation and have been in the country for three years or more on a D8 visa may apply for an F-2 resident visa.
- If you are an employee of a company that has invested $500,000 or more in the country and have been in the country continuously for at least three years, you can apply for an F-2 visa.
Investors with $300,000 or more
- Those who invest $300,000 or more in Korea to establish a foreign investment corporation and employ two or more South Koreans can apply for an F-2 resident visa.
50만 달러 이상 투자
- 50만달러 이상을 투자한 외국인으로서 D8비자로 3년 이상 계속 체류하고 있는 사람
- 50만달러 이상을 투자한 외국법인이 파견한 임직원으로서 3년 이상 계속 체류하고 있는 사람
30만 달러 이상 투자
- 국내에 30만 달러 이상을 투자하여 외국인 투자법인을 설립하고, 2명 이상의 한국인을 고용하고 있는 사람
D8비자 문의
- 외국인 투자신고
- 외국환 거래은행 지정신청
- 정관 작성 서비스
- 취임승낙서 작성 서비스
- 법인설립 등기
- 사업자등록증 발급
- 외투기업등록증 발급
- 은행계좌개설
- 비자발급
- 세무대행